Uncover the Most Powerful WiFi Network Solutions on Martha’s Vineyard!

On October 4, 2024, in Tech Talk Posts, by Louis Hall

In today’s world, a fast, reliable, and secure network is essential for any home or office. At Anything iTech Martha’s Vineyard, we specialize in offering advanced networking solutions designed to meet the growing demands of island homes and businesses. Whether you’re looking to upgrade an existing system or install a new one, we ensure a seamless and dependable network for all your […]


Something Broken in Your iPhone, Who Ya Gonna Call? Louis Hall

On June 30, 2017, in Tech Talk Posts, by Louis Hall

Here is a great article written by the Martha’s Vineyard Gazette about our work! Something Broken in Your iPhone, Who Ya Gonna Call? Louis Hall “Every broken iPhone has its own story. Tourists carelessly dropping their devices on Circuit avenue. Teenage kids forgetting to check their pockets before a quick swim. Pets mistaking the phone […]


Malicious iOS Popups

On June 20, 2017, in Tech Talk Posts, by Louis Hall

PSA- my name is Louis Hall and for those of you who do not know me, I am the owner of Anything Apple MV. Lately, I have had more and more clients coming to me with screens that look like the one I am posting here, wondering if they have a virus. Basically what you […]


The End of an Era

On May 23, 2017, in Tech Talk Posts, by Louis Hall

The End of an Era Submitted by Louis Hall The Martha’s Vineyard Times Mar 9, 2016 To the Editor: Early this morning, my 3-year-old son and I wandered into a place on Martha’s Vineyard that will forever remind me of the wonder that electronics parts have always held for me. In typical fashion, I strode […]


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