Malicious iOS Popups

On June 20, 2017, in Tech Talk Posts, by Louis Hall

Screenshot of malicious iOS popup

PSA- my name is Louis Hall and for those of you who do not know me, I am the owner of Anything Apple MV. Lately, I have had more and more clients coming to me with screens that look like the one I am posting here, wondering if they have a virus. Basically what you are seeing here is a malicious webpage that will lead you to clicking a link that could potentially install a malicious app or lead you to giving away personal information. Historically, Apple will has never, and most likely never will, ask you, the end user, to call them about a problem or suggest that you need to install things from a webpage. The only place that Apple products will ever suggest an update is through the official App Store or through system settings.

Now the way to solve the issue. If you swipe down on a typical web page you will see the tab icon at the bottom right hand side of your menu. Click that and close the malicious webpage/popup. Until you click on the links within that webpage there is nothing that the webpage can do to install anything on your phone or computer. The only way, on an Apple product, for malicious files to be installed is if you begin pressing buttons giving the files permission to install itself. Don’t give the bad guys permission. Just close the window. 🙂


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