The End of an Era

On May 23, 2017, in Tech Talk Posts, by Louis Hall

The End of an Era

To the Editor:

Early this morning, my 3-year-old son and I wandered into a place on Martha’s Vineyard that will forever remind me of the wonder that electronics parts have always held for me. In typical fashion, I strode through the doors and immediately looked for the little black dog (salt and pepper …) to greet me. Today was most likely the last time that I will walk through those doors.

Sometime in the near future, Vineyard Electronics will be closing its doors after many years of service to Islanders. The importance of this business to Island residents may not be noticed immediately, but it will be the next time you need a replacement universal remote for your TV, or quick and free consultation about how to put your SIM card into your cell phone.

The closing of this business is a reminder to us all, and I am guilty, about the impact that purchasing from Amazon and other e-commerce businesses has on small communities. The day of the “mom and pop” businesses is coming to an end at the hand of the convenience that these companies offer. I remember when Hollywood Video closed, and how I couldn’t understand how Netflix had really done them in. This is the same thing, and I, honestly, feel quite guilty. I’m not sure how to reach a balance in both worlds, but I do know that if we are not aware of our actions, we cannot change our ways.

Thank you for keeping prices low for us, for your guidance on all things tech, and for your devotion to so many neophytes across our little Island. We will miss all of you at Vineyard Electronics.


Louis Hall,

Owner Anything iTech Martha’s Vineyard




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