Weekly Tip: Start taking advantage of the cloud!

On May 23, 2017, in Uncategorized, by Louis Hall

People keep talking about “the cloud,” but most of us have no idea what it is or why we should use it. Well here is the low down… The internet was originally referred to as “the cloud.” But it was restricted to communication between computers in a building and was nothing compared to the technology […]


Here All Year: Louis Hall of Anything Apple Martha’s Vineyard

On May 23, 2017, in Uncategorized, by Louis Hall

Check out this article on Louis from way back when Mathea Morais was the editor for Martha’s Vineyard Patch! https://patch.com/massachusetts/marthasvineyard/here-all-year-louis-hall-of-anything-apple      


The End of an Era

On May 23, 2017, in Tech Talk Posts, by Louis Hall

The End of an Era Submitted by Louis Hall The Martha’s Vineyard Times Mar 9, 2016 To the Editor: Early this morning, my 3-year-old son and I wandered into a place on Martha’s Vineyard that will forever remind me of the wonder that electronics parts have always held for me. In typical fashion, I strode […]


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